
The Reflection of Micro Teaching

In the last class, I did micro teaching and felt the difficulties of teaching more than ever.There were mainly two difficulties that I felt.

First, I could not speak well in English and did not speak English so much. It is difficult for me to teach English in English, but it is good for students to learn English in that way.Should I use English in the class or how much can I use it?How do you felt in the last class as a student and think?
Second,I am shy and got nervous in class,so I could not say the instructions with loud voice and clearly.I am sorry about it and thank cooperative students for help.Also I regret that I could not smile and communicate with students well.

In Interview activity by kiki, by the way, I was impressed that the teacher was always smiling and cheerful. I think it is important thing for teacher. Also, in Karuta by pizza,the teacher always moved and helped students understand the rules and so on. In Using movement by Emiko, there were a lot of funny things and laughter.Every student enjoyed and carefully listened to the English other students said. I think it is effective in hearing English.

Anyway, there were many good points in these micro teaching. I want to learn, use it and improve my skill of class.

20 件のコメント:

kanage さんのコメント...

Thank you for your micro teaching. I think that your teaching was many good points.
Especially, you made good work sheet. I think that work sheet is very important because, students can understand easily and can reflect afterward. Besides, when students can’t hear teacher’s instructions, students can understand what they do thanks to work sheet.
<About using English in the class>
I think it is better that teacher speak English in the class because, students can be use to English. But, I also confuse of how much teacher should use English. I think that teacher should use English that almost students can understand and understand from the situation of circumference.
Anyway, your micro teaching was very useful to me. You did calm and polite instructions. Good job!!Thanks♪

rozen さんのコメント...

Thank you for your micro teaching.I expect you that you could carry it out by yourself.
I could understand what you want to do us so we could do the practice easily.
You write you didn't speak English laud and cleary,I whose left year has low power of hearing could understand what you say.One thing of the cause occur your confuseness was we sat so long.On the other hand,in real class,we don't use in such so I think you don't have to worry about that so deeply.Thank you☆

satomin さんのコメント...

Hi!Your teaching is excelent!!I could not only study about each country's cultures, but also greeting and introduction. so, very nice micro teachimg☆

noriharu さんのコメント...

Thank you for your micro teaching. I think that there were good points in your teaching and your English was easy to hear and clear. So,don't worry about it!!!

nabeso さんのコメント...

Hi karuha , I am nabeso . Your crass was very interesting for me . I thought your idea that students ask each other about information of foreign country is good . I could enjoy your crass !

Naojin さんのコメント...

Hi Karuha, this is Naojin.
I think you used English adequately and I believe the more we practice this class, the better we can teach with louder voice and smile. So don't worry and Take it easy!
I impesed by your work sheet. It was good for students to study English and review their activity. I want to make work sheets like yours. Thank you and Good job!

micchan さんのコメント...

Hi,karuha☆ This is micchan!!
Thank you for good teaching♪
I thought about your lesson,
◇good points
・You explained in English and Japanese.
・Your voice was so clear.
◇improvement points
・If you had students practice(ex."What's your country?" etc.) once, students who don't like English could understand smoothly.
・In conclusion, you had better make a little time to announce for students.
Good jobヽ(・∀・)人(・∀・)ノ♬

Jaguar さんのコメント...

Hi, karuha. I'm yuichi.Thank you for your last class.
At first, I was impressed by your work sheet.It was well considered and we could know the forcused point soon. And, I could communicate with many people not just only the next person.So your class was very interesting for me.Thank you☆

Misato さんのコメント...

Hi, Haruka! This is Misato.
Thank you for your teaching.
I think there were many good points in your class.
Especially I think your work sheet is very nice too!
It is useful to go on class smoothly, because it helps students to do activity.
Also I enjoyed your activity, because I could know about other culture. So students will do your activity with fun too!
・About using English
I'm puzzled about it too.
But I think we should be careful in our choise of words according to circumstances.
It is important to try to tell students in English first, but when we see student's face and they don't seem to understnad that meen, we need to use Japanese, I think.
Anyway, good job! Thanks♪

Keichan さんのコメント...

Thank you for your good presentation. And you made a good work sheet. It was helpful for students to do the activities.
Then, you may well be shy because this was your first teatching, isn't it? Don't be shy next time.

hikkun さんのコメント...

Hello, karuha.
You made a detailed lesson plan. I admired your work sheets that developd along the lesson. I wanted more explanation of activity because I and my partner misunderstood that we should fill in all blank. You might gave explanation for us the roll(our nation)of each lines.
Thank you for your work.

radish さんのコメント...

Thank you for your teaching.
I could enjoy your class because I could know each culture and speak not only my next person but also more two people.That was good idea.
Also your voice was very clearly.

satona さんのコメント...

Your micro teaching was interesting and so fun.Your work sheet was lucid.We could learn not only English but also various cultures.That is very helpful for student.And having coversation with partner was also good.Students would try to talk English.
Thank you for your presentation☆

micchi さんのコメント...

Hello, Karuha!!
Your presentation was very good. Especially your sheet in the class was thought well and easy to read for us. I found you prepared for the class.
And Though you said that you got nervous in the class, I don't think so. You came to my position(desk), when I had expression that I don't know on my face. And you asked me in Japanese,“Do you have a question?” Your action will help students.
I could enjoy your micro teaching!! Thank You.

nakki さんのコメント...

Thank you for your micro teaching.Though you regret your teaching,I think that your idea is easy and effective for students to understand some points.I say about good points I felt in your teaching.
First is using work sheet.Students can check points, especially showing examples is good.Also,they can reflect points after the class.I think reflection is very important.
Second is adding Key Expression.It is very effective for students to get communicative skill.
About using English in the class,
I agree with Kanage.Teacher always uses English,and students get used to English.But Students confuse if teacher uses English too much.So teacher should try to use comprehensible English for every students.

Manning さんのコメント...

I am Manning.Good job of your micro teaching.I really like your teaching! I sat back of the class but I could hear your voice clearly and I could understand your words. Your prepartion of class is great and work seat is good to understand contents of lesson.I learned a lot from your lesson.Thank you so much!!

JH さんのコメント...

I thought that your activity was well-planned. Your worksheet was easy to understand, the objective of your activity was well-thought out, and I also thought your use of the blackboard to have students make lines A, B, C & D were very good.
The points of improvement you mentioned in your post were similar to what I wrote in my nore book when I observed your activity. I think that this microteaching was a good learning experience for you and I hope that you can use this experience to do an even better activity next time.

☆BU-CHAN☆ さんのコメント...

Hi! I'm Bu-chan☆
Thank you for your teaching!
It was understandable for me.
Your work sheet was good for everyone. It was easy to understand.
Karuha,I also think teaching is difficult.
When I was 3 grade, I did a teaching English plactice. Then I
thought so.
Your teaching was good, but I reccomend you to say words more loudly.
If you do that in your teaching plactice, your class will be more interesting!

wakame さんのコメント...

Hi!Haruka! This is Wakame.
Thank you for your teaching. I can enjoy your activity, because we can practice the phrases with many friends. It was so fresh, and I think that students may not be bored with the practice in the activity.
I think using English in the class is so important and your teaching was well-balanced. You used English and Japanese, so students can expect the meanings and understand correctly.
I think that it is important but difficult to smile in the class. Teacher have to think many things and watch the students carefully, so teacher is so busy in the class. But students can enjoy and be active in the class when teacher is cheerful and smiles. So I also think I must keep that point in my mind. Thank you!

genzai-sin さんのコメント...

Hi! karuha.
This is genzai-sin.Thank you for your teaching.I think your teaching was so good,because you prepared so much.
Your work sheets were so important in your teachig. Students can understand easily what to do,and they can remenber contents after class.
If you speak more loudly and look students eyes, your teaching become more active.